Article Header Image Risk To Readiness In 180 Days

DORA: Turning Risk into Readiness in 180 Days

25th July 2024
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Article Header Image Complexity To Clarity

From Complexity to Clarity: The Role of Technology in Factoring Growth

24th July 2024
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[Gallery] Lendscape at RFIx 2024

30th May 2024
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Article Header Image Commercial Finance Is Shifting To The Cloud

Commercial Finance Is Shifting to the Cloud. Here’s Why.

27th February 2024
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Article Header Image Syndications Lendscape

Unlocking Opportunities: The Power of Syndication

12th February 2024
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[PAPER] International Factoring: Supporting Cross Border Trade

1st February 2024
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Levelling-up B2B Lending with Seamless Software Upgrades

25th January 2024
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[White Paper] AI: A Game-Changer for Asset Finance?

11th December 2023
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Exploring the Potential Synergies of Asset Finance and Receivables Finance

24th October 2023
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The DNA of a successful digital-first transformation

20th September 2023
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Article Header Image Reshaping Secured Finance

Reshaping Secured Finance

13th June 2023
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[Gallery] Lendscape at RFIx 2023

8th June 2023
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Future Finance: A Digital Direction for Lending

16th May 2023
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How is Buy Now Pay Later solving SME financing problems?

6th April 2023
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Going Automatic: Exploring Technology Trends in ABL

4th April 2023
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What you need to know about DORA: New obligations for business finance providers

14th March 2023
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Looking ahead: important factors influencing supply chains

6th February 2023
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Build vs Buy: Eight Key Questions You Need Answered

24th January 2023
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Six benefits of an ecosystem-led approach to lending technology

17th January 2023
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Asset Finance: reflecting on 2022 and looking ahead to 2023

20th December 2022
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Using Kubernetes To Run Containers In The Cloud Lendscape Article Header Banner

Using Kubernetes to run containers in the cloud

1st December 2022
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Technology Ecosystems and the Future of Commercial Finance

Technology Ecosystems and the Future of Commercial Finance

24th November 2022
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Flexibility with control: how MACH will transform asset finance

7th November 2022
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Asia-Pacific View: Turning risk mitigation into a value-add for customers

21st October 2022
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Information security in Financial Services: what to look for in your technology partners

18th October 2022
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Asia-Pacific View: Lending technology and the fight against fraud

28th September 2022
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Secured finance technology: a market perspective

5th September 2022
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Article Header Banner Supply Chain Finance Technology In Flux Lendscape

Expert Q&A: Supply chain finance in flux

23rd August 2022
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Using data and user experience to mitigate fraud and friction

4th July 2022
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Lendscape Consturction Finance Can Help Economic Recovery

Construction Finance: untapped potential for receivables finance

28th June 2022
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Design Thinking Working For Customers Lendscape

Customer centricity: how Design Thinking delivers in the face of changing attitudes

22nd June 2022
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Key factors in the future of sustainable finance

4th May 2022
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Lendscape Live 2022 in pictures

12th April 2022
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Article Making The Case For Keeping Your Systems Current Header Image

The upgrade imperative: making the case for keeping your systems current

11th April 2022
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Project Management Software Development

Confidence and clarity: the value of project discovery in software development

3rd March 2022
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White paper: the future ready asset finance platform

1st March 2022
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Receivables finance: the voice of the industry report

17th January 2022
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Factoring - demystifying a trillion-dollar industry

21st December 2021
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Can regulation of supply chain finance be a force for good?

1st December 2021
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What does sophisticated data insight mean for receivables finance? Plus, two more trends to know

29th November 2021
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Preparing for increased regulation in Supply Chain Finance

16th November 2021
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The hidden sources of legacy software expenditure

19th October 2021
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Open accounting holds benefits for both sides of the coin

13th October 2021
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Digitalisation in lending is crucial for the post-pandemic era

27th September 2021
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Open accounting a growth catalyst for both lenders and clients

22nd September 2021
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Priming recovery in emerging markets with supply chain finance

24th August 2021
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SCF roundtable: a changing world

19th August 2021
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The future of factoring and frictionless finance

3rd August 2021
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SME finance

Agility: the watchword in a post-pandemic world

27th July 2021
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Digitalisation in lending – Realising potential in ABF

5th July 2021
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Your client engagement portal

17th March 2021
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Achieve greater in-payment allocation success rates

25th February 2021
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Receivables Finance in 2021

1st February 2021
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Guarantee Fund

15th January 2021
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What is Contra Risk?

16th November 2020
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How does a Factoring operation work?

28th October 2020
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12th October 2020
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The disapproval of an Invoice

18th September 2020
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Asian SMEs during COVID-19 and the role of supply chain finance

27th August 2020
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Digitalised supplier finance offers lifeline to SMEs

5th August 2020
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Fraud in Factoring and Invoice Finance

29th July 2020
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Fraud Prevention in Factoring and Invoice Finance

22nd July 2020
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Covid-19: What's the new normal for supply chain and working capital?

3rd July 2020
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Supply Chain Finance - info sheet

25th June 2020
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Account package data extraction - info sheet

25th June 2020
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Post Covid-19 SCF opportunity

18th June 2020
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Future trends in SCF; Financial IT Magazine Q&A with Kevin Day

11th June 2020
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The Rise of Containerisation

10th June 2020
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How Supply Chain Finance works to support underfunded small businesses

4th June 2020
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Business finance – the economy needs you!

15th April 2020
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ABF is on the rise in Germany, but the model needs to adapt to compete with tech disruptors

7th April 2020
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An outlook on supply chain finance – challenges and opportunities

2nd April 2020
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Lenders must embrace technology to help SMEs survive COVID-19

27th March 2020
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Financial technology and services: the best way to “go global” and “serve local”

22nd January 2020
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Is an NPS survey adequate for your business?

16th January 2020
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Asset Based Finance can help under pressure SMEs in Europe

6th December 2019
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Unlocking growth for MENA’s SMEs

20th November 2019
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Thanks to digitalization, banks are embracing the disruptors

18th November 2019
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Technology can help close the trillion dollar trade-finance gap - and help banks in the process

12th November 2019
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Could asset-based finance be the best route for SME funding?

11th September 2019
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Challenges of Staying Competitive and Relevant in Asset-based Finance

29th August 2019
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Build & buy – the best of both worlds

27th August 2019
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Proliferation of FinTech

7th August 2019
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How has FinTech changed the landscape of Finance

29th July 2019
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Building something better

28th May 2019
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Asset based finance is coming of age

12th May 2019
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Central and Eastern Europe: a fast-growing factoring market

29th January 2019
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The Era Of Open Banking – Opportunities And Challenges For 2019

19th December 2018
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Fast growing asset based finance sector presents clear opportunities for challenger banks

4th December 2018
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Why asset-based finance can help SMEs grow

29th November 2018
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Providing Trade Finance with Lendscape

30th August 2018
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Risk Monitoring with Lendscape

30th August 2018
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International Factoring Solutions

30th August 2018
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Construction Finance Built on Lendscape

30th August 2018
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Aligning Technology with GDPR

1st August 2018
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Uncovering the benefits of data science in commercial finance

1st August 2018
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The three main drivers changing the working capital finance market

1st August 2018
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Trends in technology shaping the working capital finance marketplace

1st August 2018
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Maintaining an optimistic outlook for Brexit

1st February 2018
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Fintech Will Continue to Steal the Show in 2018

19th December 2017
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